Ascendant, also known as the Lagna, is the zodiac sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the exact moment of one's birth. It is one of the most important placement in the horoscope and has a profound impact on one's life and personality. Ascendant is calculated based on the degree of the sign that is ascending on the eastern horizon at the birth moment, factoring in the geographic location's latitude and longitude.
The ascendant represents the self, one's approach to life, physical appearance, and the style of interacting with the external world. It sets the tone for the person's life path, including their natural disposition, temperament, and physical attributes. Each zodiac signs brings their traits and characteristics, when it becomes ascendant. E.g. Leo can bring self-confidence and glamour, while Cancer ascendant could be more sensitive and emotional.
The ascendant is used as the starting point for the house system in a birth chart - it's placement is always the first house. Each house in the horoscope corresponds to different areas of life, and they are calculated from the ascendant. So the entire chart and the division of houses are anchored by the ascendant's position.
The ascendant also governs the body, health, self-representation and personal energies. Planets influencing the ascendant can have direct implications on the individual's physical health and vitality. Contemporary vedic astrology puts ascendant as the main characteristic of a person. Traditional astrology sees Moon placement (Chandra Lagna) as more significant.