Divisional charts are a unique and integral feature of Vedic astrology, distinguishing it significantly from Western astrology. These charts are derived by dividing each sign of the zodiac into various segments, each with a specific number of degrees, and each associated with different aspects of life, providing deeper insights and details that the main birth chart (D-1, Rasi) might not reveal directly. Divisional charts clarify and deepen the main chart, but never contradict it.
For correct research of divisional charts knowing exact time of birth is essential. The most precise of them change every several minutes. And allow e.g. to do separate readings to charts of twins, whose Rasi chart would be just the same.
16 most important divisional charts are called Shodashvarga:
1. D-1 Rasi Chart (Birth Chart). This is the primary chart used to understand all aspects of a person's life, including personality, body, and overall life events.
2. D-2 Hora Chart. Focuses on wealth and financial matters. It assesses the capacity to accumulate money and resources.
3. D-3 Drekkana (Dreshkana) Chart. Pertains to siblings, courage, and one's innate abilities. It also indicates the nature of interactions with peers and the type of energy one brings to these interactions.
4. D-4 Chaturthamsa Chart. Relates to property, land, and parental inheritance. It helps in understanding issues connected with real estate and one's home environment.
5. D-7 Saptamsa Chart. Deals with children and progeny. It is used to understand matters related to childbirth, the nature of one's children, and issues of fertility and creativity.
6. D-9 Navamsa Chart. Highly significant for marriage and partnerships. It provides details about one's spouse, marital happiness, and also refines the interpretation of the birth chart regarding dharma and life purpose. Almost always Rasi chart is analysed together Navamsha.
7. D-10 Dashamsa Chart. Dedicated to career and professional achievements. It reveals the nature of one's profession, career ups and downs, and overall success in professional life.
8. D-12 Dwadasamsa Chart. Concerns parents and ancestral issues, including rewards and challenges derived from karmic ties with parents.
9. D-16 Shodasamsa Chart. Related to vehicles, pleasures, and general luxuries of life. It can indicate the type and quality of material comforts a person will experience.
10. D-20 Vimshamsa Chart. Focuses on spiritual inclinations and religious activities. It assesses one's spiritual progress and devotion.
11. D-24 Siddhamsa Chart. Pertains to education and learning. It helps in understanding a person's educational achievements and scholarly interests.
12. D-27 Bhamsa (Nakshatramsa) Chart. Used to evaluate strength and vitality. It provides insights into a person's health and physical stamina.
13. D-30 Trimsamsa Chart. Deals with misfortunes and challenges such as diseases, enemies, and various types of obstacles.
14. D-40 Khavedamsa Chart. Rarely used, it can provide additional insights into auspicious and inauspicious effects, adding a layer of understanding about the general fortune of the native.
15. D-45 Akshavedamsa Chart. Also less commonly used, it may be analyzed for understanding past karma and its impact on the present life.
16. D-60 Shashtiamsa Chart. Considered one of the most important charts for detailed and precise predictions. It covers all aspects of life, especially focusing on karma and destiny.
By using multiple charts, Jyotish provides a holistic view of a life of an individual. Each chart corresponds to different life areas, together offering a comprehensive life analysis. This multi-layered approach is a distinctive feature of vedic astrology.